The main hall


Kinkamon Aalto

Kinkamon Aalto

Kinkamo Aalto is located approximately 9 km from the center of Varkaus, by the waterside, amidst the pine forest. We offer our visitors experiences and moments in a unique historically and culturally valuable environment.

Kinkamo is a piece of Varkaus industrial history with fascinating stories. The main building of Kinkamo, completed in 1939, was designed by Alvar Aalto’s office initially as a weekend retreat for A. Ahlström Oy officials. In Kinkamo, the architect couple played with historical motives in a rare way. The peasant housing tradition is evident both in the originally open sleeping alcoves and in the long table in the hall with its wall benches. The furniture in the hall combines the rare functionalism of the time with medieval-inspired imagery. The original furniture and lighting in the main building were designed by Aino Aalto, and some of the furniture is known to exist only in Kinkamo.

Formerly closed to the public – is now open to everyone. Warmly welcome to explore the history of Finnish architecture and Kinkamo Aalto!

We have…

Kinkamon Aallon Sali juhla- ja kokouskäyttöön.

The main hall

Kinkamon Saunassa otat lempeät löylyt isommankin porukan kesken.



Juhla- ja kokouspalvelut Kinkamon Aallossa.



Address: Kinkamontie 114, 78310 Varkaus FINLAND
Email: myynti(at)
Mobile: 040 595 5900